Friday 23 March 2012

Question mark...

This morning I conducted a lesson in Gymnasium, nothing special, just board games around the world. a bit of vocab, a bit of listening: for gist and for specific info.

I have to mention that it was my first conducted lesson in Gymnasium ever and to be honest I was terrified because I'm prejudiced to this type of school.

I was expecting flying bins, at least three fights, visiting headmasters office, swearwords hitting my head, and many other terrible things. But the kids came in...

About 11 children in the age of fourteen took their seats, then stood up and greeted me. They were so nice, so silent, so cooperative, so active and amazing... It was stunning, I couldn't believe it, everything went so smooth that we had some time left and played "wisielec" and... their behaviour was great  even then!

And as much as I never wanted to be a teacher, after this experience I 'll reconsider it. Maybe that was a turning point of my life?


  1. I'm very proud of you Frau Rathke. Being a teacher to be is not so bad, isn't it? But the behaviour and attitude of the students depend on the school and the class. Not in all cases it's so marvellous.I have also nice memories from Junior High. I think we should believe more in teenagers rather than tag them idiots and junior high school criminals unable to learn and behave appropriately.

  2. Congratulations! Those first experiences are very important and memorable. It's great that they were so positive for you. Fingers crossed!
